IMPORTANT: It is the sole responsibility of each account holder to ensure they hold an active email address to receive invoices and other notices. Account holders must also ensure the email address provided to Shellharbour City Web Design is current. A contact phone number is also recommended.
Invoice PaymentsShellharbour City Web Design reserves the right to suspend any accounts that have outstanding invoices due, in accordance with our terms of service. An invoice is sent to the account holders specified contact email address at least 14 days prior to the subscription period ending.
We do this to advise account holders of any invoice that are coming due, in order to provide enough time to make the necessary payment, or to advise us to cancel an active current service.
Where an account remains unpaid:
A suspension of your hosting account may occur for following reasons:
If suspension is for a reason above, we will attempt to contact the listed account holder by email or telephone. Where any service you have with us has been suspended and we have not yet contacted you, please contact us directly to review the reason, or to obtain advice on how to rectify the issue.
IMPORTANT: Overdue hosting accounts will be suspended five days after the due date of expiry.
Account Suspension prevents all services from functioning. No files, emails or other information is deleted or removed unless the account continues to remain inactive (see Termination of Accounts).
Once conformation of payment is made, an account will be unsuspended and all services will resume as normal.
Termination of AccountsIMPORTANT: Overdue hosting accounts will be terminated 30 days after the due date of expiry.
Account Termination deletes everything from the servers. All files, emails and other information will be permanently deleted. The account is also removed and will no longer exist.
Contact UsIf you have questions or require assistance, please contact us directly.
This page was updated on 02 August 2018
Information on this website is considered general information only, as it does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or current needs. Before deciding to act on this information; you should first consider your personal objectives, financial situation and current needs.